The first four Assassin’s Creed platform games were excellent. They each provided a great story, solid gameplay, and a rewarding conclusion. However, there’s something different about the series’ newest installment, Assassin’s Creed III.
Unlike the other games in the series, this version is set in the United States. Past installments of the game have taken place in Rome, Florence, Constantinople, and other places in Europe and the Middle East. This is the first time that an Assassin’s Creed game will take place in historical America, and be honest, that’s one of its biggest draws.
Throughout the past 25 years, there have been few war or action games released that have featured anything in the United States prior to World War I. I keep waiting for a Call of Duty or Medal of Honor game to shed light on the earlier conflicts in American history, but that hasn’t happened yet, and I doubt that it ever will.
The biggest problem with building a game based on an American war prior to 1941 is that the weapons are different. Gamers have gotten used to playing with the simulated high-tech automatic weapons that have been around since World War II. It would be difficult to ask players to be excited about using the slower and less accurate guns of the Revolutionary War era.
However, Assassin’s Creed III developer Ubisoft found a way around those problems. The company developed a game that relied on the main character’s talents alone and not the weapons that were used in the day. The result is a game that allows players to experience the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War as they never have before. This is an era that is rarely visited, and I have to say that it makes a welcome addition to the Assassin’s Creed series.
As a historian and a social studies teacher, this is the type of game that mixes my passion for history with an opportunity to connect with my students. There were two subjects that my students were interested in talking about on Tuesday, October 30. First, they wanted to know about Hurricane Sandy making landfall on the eastern seaboard of the United States. Second, they wanted to talk about Assassin’s Creed III and the Revolutionary War.
Don’t get me wrong. This game is rated M (for mature), and parents should be wary of allowing their kids to play it. Yet that’s not stopping my students from taking an interest in the historical aspects of the game. They are coming to school even more excited to talk about the Revolutionary War than they ever have before. Hopefully, Ubisoft and other game developers can pick up on this and create other games that reach into the 18th and 19th centuries. There are some exciting subjects that are waiting to be explored.
Overall, Assassin’s Creed III is still plagued by some of the same glitches that were found in previous editions of the game. But that shouldn’t deter you from purchasing it. There are simply too many treasures in this installment that have long been ignored by other game franchises. This is your chance to experience a world that is usually only found in textbooks. If you are already done with this game, then you can try Poker 88 APK which is equally amazing and entertaining when it comes to online games.