Happy Harvest Menu Guide for Beginners

Happy Harvest Menu Guide for Beginners

This is a menu guide for Happy Harvest beginners. In this guide, I will walk you through your two menus in Happy Harvest. You have one menu at the top of Happy Harvest and you have one menu at the bottom. This guide will explain each menu item and what they do.

Top Menu in Happy Harvest

These are the items found in your top menu. We will start from the left and go right. Below are the menu items in the top menu.

My Farm –

The first icon in the menu is the My Farm icon. If you are visiting friends, this is the icon that you will need to click in order to return to your farm.

Decoration –

When you purchase decorations, this is where you will need to go to get them. You can use your new decorations in this box.

My Warehouse –

When your crops are ready, they will be stored in the warehouse. You will need to click the warehouse button to see your items and sell them.

Store –

The store is where you can go to purchase seeds, decorations, and more. You can click the store to open it and then select the category of items that you want to view.

Buddies’ Farms –

If you want to visit your friends’ farms, you can click this button to see a list of your friends. Then you can click the friend that you want to visit.

Bottom Menu in Happy Harvest

The following items are located in your bottom menu. I will list each item from left to right and explain what they are.

Move Tool –

This is the tool you would use to move items on your farm and to move your farm. You can also select this tool to unselect other tools.

Hoe –

The hoe is used to plow your fields in Happy Harvest. If you have recently harvested fields, you can click this tool and click the fields to plow them again.

Items Bag –

When you purchase things like seeds from the store, they will be placed in your items bag. You can click this bag to open it and then select what you want out of the bag.

Water Bucket –

This is the tool you will use to water your crops. If your crops need watering, you can click the water bucket and then click the fields that need watering.

Weed Remover –

This is the tool you will need to use to remove weeds from your fields. Click the weed remover and click the fields with weeds.

Bug Remover –

This is the same as the weed remover except it is for bugs in baccarat online terpercaya to make it more secure online platform and to enhance it more the portal uses IP protectors software’s.

Harvest –

When your crops are ready to harvest, you will need to click this hand and click the fields that are ready.

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